Bharat Gaurav Dr Parag Singhal-Senior Consultant Diabetologist

Dr Parag Singhal is a Senior Consultant Diabetologist and Endocrinologist with an International reputation, working at WestonGeneralHospital, Associated Teaching Hospital, BristolUniversity, Nuffield Hospital, Bristol and Taunton and Waterside Suite.
Has pioneered disease-specific teaching programmes for patients with diabetes to enable them to look after their disease better. This was the first of its kind in the mainland UK. This was hailed as the star project in the department of health White Paper in 2005 with personal commendation from then Prime Minister, RtHonTony Blair.
He has been invited to deliver Keynote Lectures in Diabetes management at Universities across Europe, the US and India.

He had the vision to revolutionise Ambulatory Care to serve Weston super Mare community. The service was nationally recognised and other hospitals have followed the model pioneered by Dr Singhal. The service received 100% satisfaction from the patients as they did not need admission and were treated as day cases.
He has been the First Indian in the South West UK to be appointed in a senior managerial role (Divisional Director, Emergency Division) in 2007 till date. This is the largest division in the hospital dealing with front line services.
Dr Singhal’s pioneering schemes dramatically improved front line patient services and saved millions of pounds. His drive to collect and showcase the best and innovative practices of Indian doctors throughout the UK has the potential of huge cost efficiency savings in the NHS. He has already saved adopted by other hospitals in the southwest UK. This was formally recognised by the Trust Board.
In view of his contributions to the hospital and the community, he was awarded the prestigious first ‘Chief Executive Award’ last week.
His clinical contributions have been recognised by the Clinical Excellence Committee and are one of very few Indians to have been awarded the Bronze Clinical Excellence Award in the South West. He has delivered many lectures on the role of clinicians in improving quality and efficiency.
Dr Singhal has shown that with sincerity, hard work and innovative thinking, it is possible to overcome odds and be of service to the community nationally and internationally. He has made the Indians stand proud by his achievements.
Parag is married to Neha who is very active in promoting Indian culture. She is Hon Secretary of South West Indian Medicos for the last 12 years. She is on the board of governors of local schools. They have two children, Priyanka, a trainee doctor and Archit, a student.
Hon Senior Lecturer, Bristol University Dr Singhal completed his medical training from prestigious Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior, India. He came to the UK in 1993 for higher training. After completing his MRCP in 1995, he went to the United States for a fellowship and returned to the UK for specialist training in Diabetes and Endocrinology. During his training, he completed a higher research degree M.Phil from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. His landmark research on ‘Hepatic Glucose Production’ is internationally acclaimed and paved the way for the development of newer oral hypoglycaemic agents. He was also awarded a teaching diploma from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 2000, thereafter getting appointed as Consultant Endocrinologist at Weston General Hospital. He continues to be the Principal Investigator for research trials.

Promoting India and Indian Arts and Culture
As Swim (South West Indian Medics) founder, Dr Singhal has increased the profile of Indian arts and culture in South West and UK by organising the visit of various dignitaries, spiritual leaders and artists from India.
Anandmoorty Guru Maa-Meditation Camp
As the National Secretary of BAPIO, he has revitalised the association and put it on a professional footing. BAPIO is actively engaged in raising the voice of Indian origin doctors and ensuring that their achievements are recognised nationally. Department of Health now regularly seeks the opinion of BAPIO on policy matters.