Bharat Gaurav Dr Sujeet Jha — Endocrinology, Diabetes & Obesity

Dr Sujeet Jha joined Max healthcare in late 2006. He has been instrumental in changing the face of the Institute of Diabetes & Endocrinology at Max Health Care. Sujeet not only set up the Institute from inception but also has taken it to an enviable level in the medical fraternity both inside & outside of Max Health Care. He worked in the UK for more than a decade and brought with him the rich UK experience in training, teamwork and passion which has been his biggest asset.
Research Work has been Sujeet’s greatest contribution to Medicine and will always be his legacy for the time to come. Sujeet possesses a unique blend of a mainstream clinician coupled with the skill set of a professor with an academic background. He has taken the personal initiative to selflessly pursue Academic and Research excellence.
Today he and his Institute of Endocrinology stand for the highest levels of integrity, the strongest commitment to work, and the drive to continue to grow and deliver exceptional levels of clinical and service excellence.
Some Career Highlights, Awards and Achievements:
Research Work:
Principal Investigator Indian Sub-Continent — “Intensive lifestyle modification to centrally obese South Asians through a family-based approach”. Cluster randomized clinical trial of family-based intensive lifestyle modification HORIZON 2020 –EU Funded (€250 K), in collaboration with Imperial College, London (U.K) (n=10,000).Key Investigator from India for the establishment of NIHR Global Research Unit for Cardiovascular Diseases & Diabetes (NGHRU) with the European Union in India.
Conceptualized & initiated the study titled — “Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial for Primary Prevention of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and associated complications by Lifestyle Modifications” (100 Pregnant women)
Conceptualized & initiated the study titled- “Identification of MODY2 gene mutations and its clinical correlation in Indians affected with gestational diabetes” (n=150)
He’s involved in several research projects including a European Union funded project on the Prevention of diabetes.
Education and Training:
PhD & Mastersprogramme-Dr. Jha has guided fourteen Masters students, one PhD student, and two Diplomate of National Board (DNB) students of internal medicine, in their dissertation work. At present, he has three PhD students, three DNB students of family medicine, and two Masters students of clinical research working under him.
Project Hope- for Diabetes Educator certification course
He has embarked on this journey and initiated the 3 years of Core Medical Training — a unique new partnership in India between the London, Edinburgh and Glasgow Colleges of Physicians in the UK and MHC. Physician training of young graduate doctors will be delivered to the same standard as in the UK, undertaking the same curriculum and assessments. As part of this curriculum, MHC with JRCPTB (Joined Royal College of Physician Training Board, UK) will deliver CMT.
Lead Examiner Centre for M.R.C.P (U.K) India- Delhi India February 2018.
Dr Jha has several publications in high impact peer-reviewed journals with few recent publications in “Nature”, “TheLancet”, “Lancet-Diabetes & Endocrinology” & “Diabetes Care”.
Wahl S, Drong A, Jha S, John C Chambers et al. Epigenome-wide association study of body mass index, and the adverse outcomes of adiposity. Nature2017; 541 : 81–86.
Jha S et al. FirstIdentificationof a Novel Glucokinase (GCK) Mutation in an Indian female: Normal Pregnancy Outcomes. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 2016;4:302.
Jha S et al. First Identification of Flatbush Diabetes in Patients of Indian Origin. Diabetes Care. Online 18 Aug 2015. DOI: 10.2337/dc15–1209
Fellowship and Awards:
The first clinician in MHC to be awarded Honorary Professorship by Amity University.
He has been awarded a fellowship from two Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh and Glasgow). He has been also been recognized, by different institutions like RSSDI and the Indian Academy of Diabetes.
“Sushruta Award” by Max Healthcare Inst. Ltd. for contribution in Research & Innovation, 2017
· “Best Researcher & Innovation Award”- Indian Academy of Diabetes Award 2017
· “Best Oral Presentation Award”- RSSDI, 18th -20th Nov’2016 Hyderabad
· ABP News Healthcare Leadership Awards 2015 “Best Researcher Award”.
· ABP News Healthcare Leadership Awards 2015 “The Best Diabetes Clinic”.
· Prof.B.N.Shrivastava& late (Mrs.) SarandulariShrivastava Award of Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI) for the year 2015 in recognition of “Research Contribution to the field of Diabetes”.
Finalist in the BMJ India Awards 2014, under category “Medical Team of the Year”.
Best Poster Award M-Diabetes Mobile health (m- Health) and Management of Diabetes Health, Third International Conference of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 17th and 18th October 2014, New Delhi, India
Best Poster Award First Prize in Poster Presentation “The Challenges posed by Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) in the Treatment of Gestational Diabetes” RSSDI 2013, Greater Noida (India).